Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Everyone knows that no two people are the same. Even identical twins have their peculiarities. Each person is a unique human being... (that sounded like a drift-off from a session with a shrink :P)

Then again you can always share these eccentricities with a person or two. When my sister and I saw the Simpsons movie last weekend, I found myself sharing an eccentricity with Bart. It is not like it was an honor having the same peculiar habit as Homer's first born, but i thought it was funny, remembering how I used to watch television like
Bart in the photos shown here.

Idiosyncrasies may sometimes get really crazy, but for some people, these are the things which are more fondly remembered, often with a laugh.

Just when you thought it's silly (and gross) when you wear your jeans out and never wash them until it gets all itchy, you discover that there's this person who never washed a lucky pair of boxers, so as not to wash all the luck away. Are you that person with the habit of cleaning up the house when things get so depressing at work,as though by doing so you could scrub away all the nuisances from work? There will be things which make persons whothey are; idiosyncrasies are part of how we define ourselves and how we define others.

How about you? What weird habits do you have?

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