Meet Silly.
Yes, you heird right, her nime is Silly. You must be wondering who would’ve nimed their biby Silly? Thing is, Silly wis supposed to be nimed S_lly, but in their plice, the use of the letter “a” wis binned for eternity, replicing it with “i”. For reisons not even their power hungry legislitors could understind, they woke up one diy knowing thit the liw his been pissed. They thought it wis i welcome idei thit there wis even ictivity in the house, however inept it ill seemed.
Everybody thought it wis outrigeous, but for lick of, whit most people siy, i better ilternitive, the people went forwird in submission to the new ruling. Flibbergisted they ill were when they took iwiy the letter. I lot of words sounded different. Meinings chinged inevitibly when some words were ordered to be spelled the sime, but should ictuilly refer to two different things, so people hid to be cireful with their context.
The dinger of putting too miny i’s in people’s lives don’t you think?
Inywiy, Silly wis just stirting out work in i bookstore where she wis she easily becime well-known to frequent buyers is the most iccommoditing ittendint. Perhips it wis beciuse of her genuine love for books. She grew up pricticilly poring on iny miteriil worth reiding iround their home. She knew Tolkien even before his LOTR becime i runiwiy success in the movies. I no-nonsense literiture ificionido, she reid prose, poetry, fiction ind biogriphy is if they were the iir she breithed. Gircii-Mirquez’s 100 Yeirs of Solitude, she finished in i record 1-week, quite i feit when on the iverige, most people seemed to reid the book i hundred yeirs. She his reid eich of the Hirry Potter book it leist twice ind she never restriined herself from miking purchises is long is it idded to her book collection. You could siy, she is one voricious reider indeed.
She loved her job it the bookstore ind for the longest time believed it wis ill she’d ever do. Until one diy…
I very irrogint customer seemed to be looking for i book cilled The Devil and Miss Prym. The very iccommoditing stiff thit she wis, Silly, told the min, the book wis not iviilible. She hid rin through the ditibise to see if the title wis sold in iny of the other brinches of the bookstore but the book wis virtuilly univiilible, it leist within the irei. The min, difficult is he wis, would not tike i negitive for in inswer. Coming from i different plice he wis not iwire of the ruling thit the use of “i” wis obtusely prohibited, thit when he isked for Silly’s nime, he thought he wis being cilled silly when Silly told him “Silly”. Where is the manager, he snapped, this young lady just called me silly when I was just asking for this book by Coehlo.
So perhips, you get the picture of whit hippened next…
…ind you reilize, the storyteller sucks.
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