there is diet. exercise and diet. exercise. pills. slimming tea. fat-burning concoctions.then there's liposuction. a pool of consumer products and services target the weight-obsessed market. although i refuse to be labelled weight-obsessed, i'm keen on keeping my weight down, largely because,
ang hirap buhatin ng sarili ko,


my appetite is not what you would consider humongous, i seldom get second-helpings, only when mama co
s her famous adobo, hehe, it's bad for the control-you-appetite-scheme when she cooks it every week, no one can resist her adobo, otherwise, yo
u can eat it all the days of your life, hehe. my metabolism seems to be the problem. i burn the calories slowly. i lack physical activity, and although i dissent that my dislike for sleeping has anything to do with my slow metabolism, my mother tells me, it can affect my metabolic activities too.
bmi-wise (body mass index), i still have the normal weight. but then i miss feeling
lightweight. i seem to have advanced several divisions from lightweight faster than i thought. may be it comes with age, and i don't even have skinny genes on my side

. while i am at it, support groups are very much welcome.
what's all the fuss with losing weight? it is not really about conforming to the common social standard that to be thin/slim is beautiful. (remember the dove campaign for real beauty?

) besides, i am the last person who would concern herself with beauty matters. I am after feeling good, more than looking wow! hehe.
simultaneous with physically losing weight, i have a lot to work on another kind of losing weight. it's time for an emotional makeover. i have scheduled an indefinite period of emotional detox program, free from useless worries and embrace freedom with a much needed release from frustrations. between these two kinds of weight-loss, the latter would certainly give me the feeling wow! i have always wanted. again, support groups are always welcome.
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